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We believe that with God everything is in our reach.

Year 1

  • Teacher: Miss Collins
  • Teaching Assistant: 

Welcome to Year 1’s Class Page!

Here you will find important information about the school week, exciting news and pictures of the activities we've enjoyed throughout the school year.

Information for Parents and Guardians

Our PE day is Thursday, please ensure your child has the appropriate kit (white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms/leggings or shorts and trainers). PE kits will remain in school for the half-term and will be sent home at the end of the half-term to be washed. 


Reading books should be changed weekly on Thursdays - these are in line with the phonics scheme. If they receive a book they have read before, it is so they can consolidate their learning.

Children are also expected to log into their Rockerbox News account each week to complete their non-fiction reading comprehension tasks.


Year 1 have a phonics screening test in the summer term where they will be tested on reading 40 words; a mixture of real and pseudo words. Information and workshops relating to the screening will take place throughout the year.

Information about the phonics your child is learning that week will also be sent home to help you support your child’s learning. It is important to practise phonics with your child each week, and you can find some useful activities on the parent sheet.

In January, spellings are also sent home on Fridays and will be based on their phonics sounds they will be learning the following week. Please take some time to read and practise these.



Useful Websites: