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Year 3

Class teacher: Mrs Marsden
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Radcliffe

Welcome to Year 3's class page

Here you will find important information about the school week, exciting news and pictures of the activities we've enjoyed throughout the school year.

Information for parents

Our PE is Friday. Please ensure your child has an appropriate PE kit in school (white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms/leggings or shorts and trainers).

Reading books should be changed weekly on Wednesday. The expectation is that children bring home two books per week (one for pleasure and one in line with their reading level). Please try to complete reading records so we can see how your child is finding reading at home. 

Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and your child will be tested the following week. Please try and practice learning the spellings and thinking about how to use the words appropriately in a sentence. 

Times Table Rockstars

TT Rockstars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master the times tables. Children are given their own personal log in. They can access the website at any time. Timetables are set to become progressively harder depending on the level your child is at with their learning. If you require the login details, please let us know and these can be provided.

Holy Communion

In Year 3 Children are able to make their First Holy Communion. They develop their understanding of the Sacrament of Holy Communion and then in June are invited to Sacred Heart Church to receive their First Holy Communion.


Useful Websites: