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Year 4

  • Class teacher: Miss O'Brien
  • Trainee teacher: Mrs Jagger-Smith

Welcome to Year 4's class page

Here you will find important information about the school week, exciting news and pictures of the activities we've enjoyed throughout the school year.

Information for parents

Our PE days are Mondays at Manchester College. We are in partnership with the college and use their facilities. Their Sports BTEC students deliver the sessions, please ensure your child comes to school in appropriate kit (white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms/leggings or shorts and trainers).

Reading books should be changed weekly on a Wednesday, the expectation is that children bring home two books per week (one for pleasure and one in line with their reading level).
Children are also expected to log into their Rockerbox News account each week to complete their non-fiction reading comprehension tasks.

Spellings are given on a Friday. A spelling lesson will take place on a Monday for children to understand the spelling rules. The expectation is that children then practise their spellings at home and are tested on a Friday. 

Year 4 now have a times table test in the Summer Term; therefore, children are expected to be able to quickly recall all of their time tables up to 12x. You can support your child with learning their times tables through games and verbal recall. The children all have a Times table Rockstars log in. In addition, here are some games that are free to access online:

Useful Websites