Computing is taught across the school both discreetly and through cross-curricular lessons and there is always an excited buzz from the children around any Computing related lessons. Our main aims are to equip children with the skills and knowledge to confidently use computers and other technology to support their learning and creativity.
At St Francis, we pride ourselves on keeping up to date with the ever-changing world of technology and aim to keep children and parents well-informed on how best to stay safe online. The essential skills delivered in online safety lessons ensure that our children will be smart and safe internet users as they grow up.
Throughout the year, the children study coding, computing skills, online safety (through Google's 'Be Internet Legends' scheme), multimedia and how technology is used in our lives and the wider world. As many children are already confident with the equipment, it is a fantastic way to support other lessons, such as, English and topic lessons. Upper key stage 2 children have been taught to use ‘Google Classroom’ to enhance their learning both at home and in school. This has been used effectively across the curriculum to support understanding as well as ICT specific skills.
We have seen a marked improvement in children’s ICT literacy throughout the school. Key skills such as coding, multimedia project management and understanding of online safety measures are being embedded across the school and children are beginning to recognise the impact of ICT in the wider world. The progression and consistency of the curriculum is helping children to build their skills incrementally, with key concepts being revisited to cement children’s learning. Children are clearly able to assess and communicate their own understanding which, in addition to their own assessment, has helped staff plan to meet needs more effectively
Outcomes in topic and English books (where relevant) and discussions with pupils, evidence a broad and balanced humanities curriculum and demonstrate children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge. Children are able to review and showcase all they have learnt at the end of each topic in line with intended objectives given at the start of learning. This gives them ownership over their learning whilst also aiding teachers in assessing children’s understanding. This can be used to shape future planning. As children progress throughout the school, they develop a deep knowledge, understanding and appreciation for their local area, our country and the world