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We believe that with God everything is in our reach.

Year 5


  • Teacher: Mrs Marsden

  • Teaching Assistant: Miss Flowers

Welcome to Year 5's Class Page!

Here you will find important information about the school week, exciting news and pictures of the activities we've enjoyed throughout the school year.


In Year 5, we promote reading for pleasure and aim to offer our children a wide range of exciting, recent children’s literature. It is essential that children read at home too, either to you or independently. Regular reading can greatly impact children’s learning and confidence throughout the curriculum. These books can be changed on Friday. Although your child may read independently, please ensure that you encourage them; it will be reflected in their writing.

The children have also been set up with a Rocker box log-in. There are lots of fantastic opportunities for reading and comprehension for them to practise here. If they need a new one, please just let me know.

Spellings are sent home on Mondays, and spelling tests are on Fridays.

Home Learning

Year 5 children are expected to support their own learning by doing the following at home:

  • Read for 30 minutes each day.
  • Practise timetables for 10 minutes each day (Timetables rock stars)
  • Practise and revise year 5-6 spellings

The Year 5-6 spelling list can be found here:

School Trips

As part of our science topic, ‘Forces’, we will visit the Science and Industry Museum on Wednesday 6th December. The day will include a variety of workshops exploring experiments with forces, the ‘Revolution Manchester Show’ and a unique opportunity to explore the world of gaming in the temporary ‘Power up ‘exhibition (Linked to our games design in computing).  


Children must change into PE uniform for all PE sessions. This includes ensuring that long hair is tied back and that earrings are either removed or taped. Our PE day is Tuesday; please ensure your child brings an appropriate kit to school with them (white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms/leggings or shorts and trainers).

Children will partake in weekly Taekwondo Sessions with Mr Caldwell up until Christmas as part of the ‘Kick for Change’ programme as they master the ‘5 Tenets’.

They will also attend the World Taekwondo Grand Prix on Friday, 1st December.


Year 5 will enjoy swimming lessons at Wright Robinson’s every Friday. Please ensure that your children come with a swimming cap if they have long hair, tight swimming trunks or full-length body swimming costumes and a towel.


  • In English, we are currently exploring myths and legends. The Ancient Greek Myth of Perseus and Medusa.
  • In Maths, we demonstrate our perseverance in mastering fractions following our multiplication and division knowledge.
  • In Science, we use scientific skills and experimentation to explore different forces.
  • In Geography, we revisit our knowledge of rivers and mountains.
  • In RE, we discuss God’s biblical covenants and reflect on how they connect with us.
  • In ICT, we are exploring the impact of technology in our everyday lives.
  • In PHSE, we celebrate differences and explore the impact of bullying, racism, discrimination, and stereotyping – demonstrating our respect for one another, different cultures, faiths and beliefs and upholding our St Francis values.
  • In Spanish, we are learning how to ask for directions in our town.
  • In Music, we are improvising Jazz and practising our Christmas carols.
  • In PE, we are swimming and mastering the Korean martial art of Taekwondo.
  • In Design and Technology, we will be building structural bridges.


Useful Websites

Please view the curriculum overview to see what we are learning this term!