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Year 6

  • Teacher: Miss Groarke
  • Teaching Assistant: 
  • PE day: Friday

Welcome to Year 6's class page

Here you will find important information about the school week, exciting news and pictures of the activities we've enjoyed throughout the school year.

Home learning

The children are expected to continue their learning at home. This should be something that the children identify that they need more practice on. This could include: reading their chosen book, spellings (Year 5 and 6 words), maths operations (multiplication, division, addition, subtraction), maths topic areas, humanities research, GAPS.

Children are also expected to log into their Rockerbox News account each week to complete their non-fiction reading comprehension tasks.

Our current topic is: Frozen Kingdom. Any research into Robert Scott, Ernest Shackleton, Inuit Art or polar animals would be excellent!

Useful websites

    I will set questions each Friday and the children will have a week to complete them.
    We use these videos in class. They are a great way of revisiting the learning we have been doing in class.